Saturday, January 28, 2012

There's NOTHING wrong with POINTING!!!!

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer (R) points her finger in President Barack Obama's (D) face on the tamarac in Arizona on Wednesday.

What is all the fuss about Brewer putting her finger in Barack's face? I not sure what the fuss is about either. My friends, family members, church members and other facebookers have told me how wrong I am about think that Jan did nothing wrong. Well folks, here is the link to my facebook page so you can see how these Obama folks thinks he does NOTHING wrong and that everyone is out to get him. Folks, please get a life! Have a complete _/ (seat) becuase there is nothin g to this photo. You might want to check out the video as well.

Click on the link below to see how these Ba-RACK Obama supporters attack me!

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