Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Dr. Otis Johnson Endorses Dionne Hoskins for School Board

Otis Johnson, Ph.D, Former Mayor of Savannah Endorses Dionne Hoskins for School Board, District 2.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My Virginia College Savannah Photo!

CME Quadrennial Starts in Savannah

St. Paul CME will host is Quadrennial Service here in Savannah.

Im excited to be apart of this event. Last night the St. Paul CME Mass Choir opened up the service with several selections that certainly blessed the house.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

District 2, School Board (Savannah Chatham County)

Hear ye! Hear ye! July 31 is almost here. I am also reminded of a several of my mentors reminding me in politics you can not take it personal. So if there is anyone that reads this blog and you ask why I am not supporting a certain peson, just remember, DONT TAKE IT PERSONAL! I have received literature from several candidates here in Savannah. I recently reached out to Dr. Dionne Hoskins, who is the current school board representative for district 2. I am very impressed by Dr. Hoskins. She has an impressive story and she is smart! Over the past couple of weeks, I have been campaigning and volunterring for Dionne at the headquarters. With that being said, Dionne is the first candidate here in Savannah, I have chosen to endorse.

Click below for more information about Dionne.