Thursday, July 5, 2012

District 2, School Board (Savannah Chatham County)

Hear ye! Hear ye! July 31 is almost here. I am also reminded of a several of my mentors reminding me in politics you can not take it personal. So if there is anyone that reads this blog and you ask why I am not supporting a certain peson, just remember, DONT TAKE IT PERSONAL! I have received literature from several candidates here in Savannah. I recently reached out to Dr. Dionne Hoskins, who is the current school board representative for district 2. I am very impressed by Dr. Hoskins. She has an impressive story and she is smart! Over the past couple of weeks, I have been campaigning and volunterring for Dionne at the headquarters. With that being said, Dionne is the first candidate here in Savannah, I have chosen to endorse.

Click below for more information about Dionne.

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