Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Encouragement when YOU need it!

Last night, I connected with a former colleague of my Uncle, John Wesley Hollis. My uncle passed in 2009 of a massive heart attack. It really shattered my life! Every day I think about him and how much he poured into my life. So last night, via faceboook, I had a chance to connect with Mr. Wesley Persons. Wesley is a former ADA with the Griffin Judicial Circuit. He is also an man of Alpha Phi Alpha!

Last night, I was talking to him about the things that are going on in my life. He offered wonderdul words of encouragement to me. I really would like to thank him for being there for me at this time. It was a sign on relief for me to talk to him and for him to listen to me and encourage me.

Folks, let us continue to encourage each other. We are all battling something in life lets speak words of kindness and encouragement! Thanks, Wesley Person! You the man!

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