Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Encouragement when YOU need it!

Last night, I connected with a former colleague of my Uncle, John Wesley Hollis. My uncle passed in 2009 of a massive heart attack. It really shattered my life! Every day I think about him and how much he poured into my life. So last night, via faceboook, I had a chance to connect with Mr. Wesley Persons. Wesley is a former ADA with the Griffin Judicial Circuit. He is also an man of Alpha Phi Alpha!

Last night, I was talking to him about the things that are going on in my life. He offered wonderdul words of encouragement to me. I really would like to thank him for being there for me at this time. It was a sign on relief for me to talk to him and for him to listen to me and encourage me.

Folks, let us continue to encourage each other. We are all battling something in life lets speak words of kindness and encouragement! Thanks, Wesley Person! You the man!

9/11 Well said by Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed

As I was preparing remarks for the site, I received an email from Kasim Reed the Mayor of Atlanta. Please see his remarks below, regarding September 11, 2001:

Eleven years ago a small group of people thought they could break the spirit of our nation; bury it in a terrible cloud of fire and ash. They were wrong.

Those people thought they knew America. They were wrong.

The pain that we experienced on 9/11 was very real, and the wounds are still healing. But, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, our spirit was not broken on that day. It was set free.

Rising from that cloud of smoke and ash was the essence of the American dream. Across the world, people stopped and acknowledged that, whatever our differences, we are - every one of us - human beings worthy of dignity and respect.

It's hard to believe that it's been over ten years since that day. The memory still burns in each of us. But part of that burning comes from the strength of our passion to keep struggling for progress.

Eleven years ago today, those misguided souls did not show us our weakness. They showed us our strength.

Kasim Reed

Friday, September 7, 2012

DNC-2012, Charlotte!

This week, I had the pleasure of attending the 2012 Democratic National Convention. I never really thought about attending before and to be honest with you, I never knew how to. This year has been an amazing year for me. Moving to Savannah, has blessed me to connect with the Senator of the 2nd Senatorial District of Georgia... yep, that is Dr. Lester G. Jackson III. He has definitely been there for on several occasions. Through him, I was able to meet our 44th President of the United States of America, Barack Obama.

Attending this years conference was a very rewarding experience. Seeing political leaders all across the world was the best part. Being able to speak with them about the current issues and take a photo or two with them.

I also would like to thank my former boss and mentor, Congressman David Scott or his help as well. You made my night sir. I appreciate you and thank you for everything you always do for me!

Enjoy the pics!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August Is Almost Gone!

OMG. Where has the time gone. Just the other week it was the beginning of August. Now, it is the end of August. I am not sure where all the time has gone, but I sure would like for it to come back. Time is really moving along. As I was thinking today, In two months, it will celebrate 1 year being employed by Virginia College here in Savannah.

Time waits for no one so neither should I. Here is a pic of me chilling out to today in the back reception area whith my homegirl Natasha. She has become a really great friend. We share a lot of things about each other. She is an outstanding lady! No picture of her, but here is one of me!

Oh yeah, I must add that I was very stylish today! I like the Red, Gray and Black look. Now tell me what do you think???

Ricardo chilling out at VC Savannah

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Featured Program of the Day of the Week: Culinary Arts

On a weekly basis, here at Reaching Out To You, we will highlight one of the many program here on campus at our Savannah location of Virginia College.

Syntel pictured with Culinary Seniors: Malcolm and Frederick. (Morning Culinary Students)

This weeks spotlight goes to our Culinary Arts Department. I love this students. They do a wonderful job of feeding me. Oh, my, what a hook up you will get.

Enjoy the photos with some of their students.

Christine and Bianca working hard. Notice Christine is give me the evil eye. LOL Love you too! :-)

National Bow Tie Day.. Thanks Kim :-)

So today, when I arrived at work, my co-worker told me it was National Bow Tie Day! I actually had no clue that this day actually existed, however, I immediately jumped in the bow tie spirit. Ran outside, went to the car and grabbed the bowties. So here we are today folks... join in and celebrate with me National Bow Tie Day!

Today's bow tie was picked by: Kimberly Hurst and Kjadijah Cummings
Today, we celebrate National Bow Tie Day
August 28, 2012

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Run off election today! Go vote!!!

Exercise your right to vote. Today, we have have several run off elections. Here in the city of savannah be sure to go vote for school board. Vote for Dr. Dionne Hoskins, re-elect her to the school board.

Polls are open from 7am until 7pm. Need help visit the headquarters on the corner of Waters and Anderson.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Indeed, I hate going to the dentist

There are not many things in life that I am scared of. One thing I am afraid of .... Yep, dogs. I hate dogs I am terrified of them. The second thing is.... The dentist (doom music). I hate the dentist because of the sharps intstruments they use. Instruments and my mouth just don't go.

Today, I am getting two of my wisdom teeth pulled. Well the doc is about to come in. I'll give you and update later with pics! :-)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

New Offiical Photos

Take a vote and tell me which one do you like... check out the handkerchief! LOL

Pocket Squares

Hey guys, so this is crazy. Recently, I have feel in love with pocket squares. I do not know why, but for some reason, they seem to add so much for to your outfit. With all the colors, prints, designs, its amazing what can happen with you when you add apocket sqaure.

I should be posting more pics of me and my pocket squares, hankerchief ... they are totally AWESOME!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Dr. Otis Johnson Endorses Dionne Hoskins for School Board

Otis Johnson, Ph.D, Former Mayor of Savannah Endorses Dionne Hoskins for School Board, District 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aDADDg-Ll4&feature=youtube_gdata_player

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My Virginia College Savannah Photo!

CME Quadrennial Starts in Savannah

St. Paul CME will host is Quadrennial Service here in Savannah.

Im excited to be apart of this event. Last night the St. Paul CME Mass Choir opened up the service with several selections that certainly blessed the house.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

District 2, School Board (Savannah Chatham County)

Hear ye! Hear ye! July 31 is almost here. I am also reminded of a several of my mentors reminding me in politics you can not take it personal. So if there is anyone that reads this blog and you ask why I am not supporting a certain peson, just remember, DONT TAKE IT PERSONAL! I have received literature from several candidates here in Savannah. I recently reached out to Dr. Dionne Hoskins, who is the current school board representative for district 2. I am very impressed by Dr. Hoskins. She has an impressive story and she is smart! Over the past couple of weeks, I have been campaigning and volunterring for Dionne at the headquarters. With that being said, Dionne is the first candidate here in Savannah, I have chosen to endorse.

Click below for more information about Dionne.

Monday, June 11, 2012

6 Months, 6 more to go!

Well today, marked 6 months I have been with Virginia College here in Savannah. During this time, I have really enjoyed everyone I have worked with. The haters have defintely served as motivators to me. And yes, they are still in the midst, and they continue to do just that-- HATE! However, it has allowed to see who the postive people are and the ones who are genuinely concerned about my success as certified higher educational professional

Johnye Mae Gillan Celebrates her 50th Anniversary as a lady of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

                                      Johnye Mae "JP" Gillian joins the Golden Soror Club of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

Congratulations and bows are certainly in order for the Emmanuel County native by the way of Savannah, Georgia Ms. Johnye Mae Gillan. Yesterday, at Butler Memorial Presbyterian Church. Ms. Gillan affectionately known as "JP" celebrated her 50th Anniversary as an AKA. She was initiated in 1962 at Savannah State University.

I met this bright shinning face in Walmart on Abercorn when I moved here in 2011. JP has been a very supportive and driving force since I am away from home. She has NO problem correcting you when you are wrong. She will let you know and out you out on Front Street. LOL

Me pictured with JP at her 50th Anniversary @ Butler Presbyterian

For more inforamtion about Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. please visit the link below.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Student Awards, Virginia College style

Today, Dr. Kristan Ryan, Dean Carla Insley along with numerous program directors, faculty and staff of Virginia College will highlight the accomplishments of many students.

President's list (4.0 or higher) and Dean's List (3.5 or higher). To date we have had more than 80 students to RSVP to todays ceremony which will be held on campus. It will be held center court of the Savannah Mall.

Dr. Kristan Ryan, Campus President will open the ceremony with remarks honoring the achievements of our students and welcoming their very special guests.

Pics to come soon....

To The Top!

Ricardo Brown

Here are two pics from the Student Awards Ceremony

Cosmetology Student, Mr. Trellius Houston received the President's List. (T cuts my hair)

Admissions Department: Ricardo Brown, LaShonda Hudson and Lerenzo Barr

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Congrats to my brother, Joe Paul , JOE PAUL Speaks Internationally!

.....Hear ye! Hear ye! Congratulations are in order for Mr. Joe Paul....

Motivational Speaker Mr. Joe Paul will launch his speaking internationally. He will be traveling to Brussel this Wednesday to kick off his international speach kick off. Below is a paragrgaph about Joe Paul taken from his website, http://www.joepaulspeaks.com/.

JOE PAUL is an accomplished speaker, author, poet, life coach and humanitarian who is driven by an incredible passion for improving the lives of others. His dedication to serving his community and country has led to transformational changes in those who have had the opportunity to meet Joe. His message of learning from your past to improve your future resonates through the hearts and minds of all who have the pleasure of interacting with Joe Paul.
Joe Paul is widely noted for his unique blend of passion, grace, and creativity creating life changing experiences for all who have the opportunity of hearing him speak.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Press Release, CRCT Prayer Fest.

Contact: Rev. Guy Malcolm Hodge, III

Ricardo Brown, M.Ed.
            First Nazareth Missionary Baptist Church, is cordially inviting the community to participate in a city-wide Criterion-Referenced Competency Test (CRCT) Youth Prayer Fest on Wednesday, April 18th at 7:00 p.m. at 1023 West 44th St.   We are looking forward to a blessed and spirit filled prayer fest as we gather to provide positive encouragement and rally for area youth. Mr. Ricardo Brown from the Office of Academics and Enrollment of Virginia College will be the guest speaker. Spiritual warriors from throughout the city are invited to join Pastor Guy Malcolm Hodge, III and local clergy at the CRCT Prayer Fest.
The CRCT is designed to measure how well students acquire the skills and knowledge described in the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS). The assessments yield information on academic achievement at the student, class, school, system, and state levels. This information is used to diagnose individual student strengths and weaknesses as related to the instruction of the GPS, and to gauge the quality of education throughout Georgia.
The CRCT Youth Prayer Fest will last one hour; therefore, we encourage your prompt attendance.  The ecumenical, multi-cultural event will feature a broad spectrum of the faith community voicing support for our youth.
For more information, please contact First Nazareth at 912-236-0719 or email at fnmbc@comcast.net.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

National Sibling Day! Rick Brown is my brother!

The Brown Boys
(Maurice Ricarles & Ricardo Syntel) 

Hello Folks, TODAY is national sibling day! Thats right, today, I am going to highlight my brother, Maurice Ricarles Brown. He's a dude that is cool as a fan!

I truly love this guy right here. My ROCK, my CONFIDANT and truly a GREATER friend than a best friend. Hes my eldest and only brother born to Maurice and Retha Brown.

Here is a picture Rick and I took at my Aunts house in 2008. I have several others that I will try to post today. Enjoy this one for right now. :-)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Sine Die (Last Day of the Legislative Session)


Here ye! Here ye! The time has come. Yep, its Day 40 already. Both Chambers under the gold dome of Atlanta, Georgia, will put all legislative (voting) business to rest. There have been many feelings about this session. Many officials have called the wrost session ever.

Here are some pics from that historic day!

Syntel pictured with Senate Majority Leader Sen. Chip Rogers
Syntel pictured with The Senator from Clayton County, Sen. Valencia Seay

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

State of the City Address

Tonight at 7pm, Savannah's Mayor will deliver her State of the City Address at the Savannah Civic Center in the Ballroom on the 3rd floor. Look forward to seeing everyone there! You do not want to miss this  address.

To The Top!

Yep, Its Been A While...

Hello All,
It has definitely beena while since my last bloag. I sometimes actually forget that I even have a blog. Not sure why, but I just do. There is so much going on that I forget to log on and actually tell whats going on.  As you know, I currently work in Savannah, GA at Virginia College. Virginia College is a small proprietary school that focuses on careeer education.

The program of focus this month is the Culinary Arts Department. Everyday, I go by there to see what they have cooking in the pots. Today, I stopped by and I was able to mix up a little something myself.

Syntel in the kitchen stirring up something good!
The type of hands on education that you are able to get here is outstanding. The students all enjoy and they are having a great time learning while they have fun. They are doing something they are passionate about.

Today, I will post pics of me in the kitchen enjoying the deluctible cuisine prepared by the students. Hope you enjoy! :-)

To The Top!

Ricardo Brown

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

So Its been a while!

So it has been a while since my last blog. Some times, I get in the mood to do it and sometimes I just dont. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Near Death Experience

This morning, I went to the see the regstrar and like all the woman here at the college, they stay feeding me. They say that's the way to a man's heart. Well, you know what, that's right!

 So I just had some red grapefruit. It was pretty good as well. Upon leaving the office, I stop and pick up a jolly rancher sucker. I get back to my desk and put the sucker in my mouth.

Lord behold, I damn near swolled the sucker and I start gagging and Kerry my colleague starts laughing.... Like really Kerry,.. LOL Im over here choking and almost gagged my life away and your laughing...... smh
 :-) FrreakML.... LOL

Saturday, January 28, 2012

There's NOTHING wrong with POINTING!!!!

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer (R) points her finger in President Barack Obama's (D) face on the tamarac in Arizona on Wednesday.

What is all the fuss about Brewer putting her finger in Barack's face? I not sure what the fuss is about either. My friends, family members, church members and other facebookers have told me how wrong I am about think that Jan did nothing wrong. Well folks, here is the link to my facebook page so you can see how these Obama folks thinks he does NOTHING wrong and that everyone is out to get him. Folks, please get a life! Have a complete _/ (seat) becuase there is nothin g to this photo. You might want to check out the video as well.

Click on the link below to see how these Ba-RACK Obama supporters attack me!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Pastor-Elect Tamarkus T. Cook

The Pastor- Elect of Saint Smyrna Baptist Church in Newnan, Georgia

Pastor- Elect Tamarkus T. Cook

Congratulations are in order for my good friend, Rev. Tamarkus T. Cook. He did his trial sermon in Fenruary of 2009, I had the pleasure of introducing my friend at this event. On  (yesterday) Sunday, Tamarkus received a call and accepted the job of Pastoring St. Smyrna Baptist Church in Newnan, Georgia. His first sermon as Pastor will be Sunday, January 22, 2012 @ 11:00am. Let us continue to pray for Pastor Cook and his family (wife: Brittney Cook and his son, Tamarkus Cook, II.) Stay tuned, more pics to come.

Congressman from the 13th ROCKS the MLK Memorial Service @ Ebenezer

See the video LIVE! This man is amazing.

Rep. David Scott
Representing Georgia's 13th Congressional District

MLK Memorial Service- Ebenezer Baptist Church, Atlanta

For  persons interested in waching the MLK Memorial Service held at the Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church, the church once pastored by Dr. King, please click on the link below for direct acess, which has been provided by Fox 5- Atlanta.