Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Back on the Map!

Hey Gang!

So I was gone for a little while. Did you miss me? This past weekend was an adventourous one. There was a lot that went on, but I was glad to see the godparentals in town this weekend and we went to Shell House Seafood Restaurant, went to the funeral to support my big brothers Eric and Derrick Sibert, our company Christmas Party, Chuirch at St. Paul @ 8:00am and 11:00 service at Butler Memorial, the 100 Celebrity Men Who Cook sponsored by the Savannah Sororities (AKA, ZPB, SGR and DST) and it was a wonderdul event and then I took a two hour drive to Charleston, South Carolina for my compainies SCP Traning. We definitely had a blast and I meet some AWESOME PEOPLE (Jackie, Jamie, Brandon, Devin and Delvin) we cried, we laughed, we drank, we cried, cried again and laughed-- boy, oh boy, what a wonderful time!

Syntel and Mamc C pictured at the funeral of Mr. Eric Tyron Sibert, Sr.
Friday, the Godparentals were in town we went out to eat. Then went and chilled with them.

 Saturday, attended the funeral of Mr. Eric Tyrone Sibert, Sr.
                 Company Christmas Party w/ Ms. Tiftany Huger              

Sunday, Church Service at St. Paul @ 8:30am
              Church Service at Butler Meorial @ 11:00am  *
             100 Celebrity Men Who Cook @ 3:00pm *
             Leave for Charleston, South Carolina @ 5:00pm

My SCP Buddies
L to R: Jamie, Brandon, Ricardo, Jackie, Devin and Delvin

*= pics to come

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