Thursday, December 8, 2011

Reaching Out!

So the coolest thing happened today.......

I was at work and decided to rome through the mall and try to recruit some students for college. Upon me doing so, ran into a young man who really was not interested however, he decided to give me a chance and listen to what I had to say.

I inivited him to the office, the good thing about that was, his cousin, was acutally enrolling in school today and he just tagged along. After we began talking about education and exchanging background information on each other, he told that I was on to something and that he wanted to enroll in school. :-) At this point, I was happy about the young man enrolling. He was very smar, I tell ya! we went back to my office and i proceeded with the interview questions. He was really into it, and becuase to elaborate on his answers on his own.

He then was so moved about enrolling, he asked me to call his grandmother, who is an evangelist in south carolina. He told me that he was so use to telling his family, he was going to do stuff, but yet he would accomolish it. He then asked me to call his grandmother and let her know what he was doing. So, I began to dail the number and then she (grandmother) picked up. I introduced myself told why I was calling, She beganto cry because he was the first peson in their family to enroll in college. He then started crying and then it wass ALL OVER for me, I got emotional as well. The young man has decided to major in culinary arts. Ibegin to speak about different culinary experiences from my days at my alma mater THE Johnson & Wales University. ( I was not a culinary major, i had friends that were)

This was a great day as well. In the words of my good friend, Mr. Joe Paul, Touching Lives , One PERSON at a time, was definitely the phrase that would sum up today.

Side note: Joe Paul has a blog as well, his is is more creatove  way more advance than mine, please check it out @

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