Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Joe Paul "Opportunity Knocks"

Morning Cup of Joe – Opportunity Knocks

Problems are actually opportunities in disguise. It is critically important that you start to recognize the opportunity in your problems. Whatever the issue, you certainly cannot compare it to the end of the world. Yes, the end of the world is a bit drastic but compared to that, do you really have any problems? I’ll answer for you; no, you truly don’t. The opportunity that inevitably arises from overcoming an obstacle is what you should always remain focused on; not the problem itself. Learn to look pass the problem to find the opportunity.

Think back to a time in your life when you encountered a difficulty and how you overcame that difficulty. What did you do to overcome that particular obstacle? What is it about you specifically that made you overcome that obstacle? The answers these questions should serve as a “How to” guide to fixing your problems. The fact that you have not experienced a similar difficulty is proof that you have learned the particular lesson you were meant to learn through that experience. Even if you did experience it again, there’s a valuable lesson learned in every human experience.

Embrace the obstacles that may come your way as they are designed to increase our awareness that we are going down the right path. Most roads that are travelled are laden with bumps; the road to success is not exempt. The tools you need to get over this hump are the same tools you used to get over the last one; the only difference is the problem itself. Opportunities come several times a day, it’s up to you to recognize them as opportunities and chase after them no matter the cost. More problems means more opportunities.
To The Top!
Joe Paul

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